Dvorak Law Group, LLC, hosted their annual firm holiday party last week. Employees participated in team building activities, donated items to the community, and participated in fellowship. This year, the firm donated over $3,000 to community support agencies. The firm split into five teams, purchased items, and delivered them to the organizations. This year, Dvorak Law Group donated to:
Together, Inc.:
Together, Inc.’s Horizons program helps families in poverty with rental assistance, navigating systems to apply for supports, and pantry assistance among other things. Their Street Outreach Team interacts with many homeless people. They help these individuals by providing basic essentials by creating an Outreach Pantry Kit.
Dvorak Law Group bought items that had a long shelf life and would be packaged into 100-gallon zipper bags for the kit. These bags will then be handed out to people that are homeless and on the streets. Items purchased were 48 Vienna Sausages, 100 bowls of Ravioli around 68 packets of tuna, 100 Chapstick tubes, 96 protein bars, 96 Slim Jims, 100 sets of hand warmers, 29 jars of peanut butter, 100 spoons, 100 forks, and 110-gallon size Ziploc bags.

Dvorak Law Group donates to Together Inc.
Opportunity Youth Passport:
The Program Specialist for Opportunity Passport works out of Family Housing Advisory Services but is part of a collective of Agencies, working together to support youth in a number of areas. The Program Specialist asked that donated items be directed to the Youth Mart on the Omaha Home for Boys Campus. This is where the youth, that are aging out of foster care, can access furniture and household items to prepare for their move.
Dvorak Law Group purchased and donated cleaning supplies, crockpots, personal hygiene items, canned food, diapers, and baby wipes.

Dvorak Law Group donates to Opportunity Youth Passport.
Wakonda Elementary School:
Wakonda is in a high poverty area, located in north Omaha. Many of their middle school students experience issues with hygiene and are not getting the proper items or instruction at home. The school was looking at donated items to help their students in this area.
Dvorak Law Group donated personal hygiene items such as shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, hand lotions, sanitizers, fingernail clippers, soaps, tubes of toothpaste, mouthwashes, tooth floss, Chapstick, and more.

Dvorak Law Group Donates to Wakonda Elementary School.
Latino Center of the Midlands:
Their Pathways to Success Program (P2S) works with 9th-12th-grade students at Bryan High School, South High School, and Bellevue West High School. Students receive on-site, school-based support services and access to after-school programming in order to remove attendance barriers and cultivate leadership potential.
Dvorak Law Group purchased three Chromebooks and non-perishable food items.

Dvorak Law Group donates to the Latino Center of the Midlands.
Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition:
They provide community health care and services targeting the urban American Indian and Alaska Native population in the greater Omaha metropolitan area, Lincoln-Lancaster metropolitan area, and Sioux City, Iowa.
Dvorak Law Group donated four multi-packs of Dial soap bars, 10 bottles of body wash, 15 sticks of deodorant, 13 shampoo and conditioner sets, 12 bottles of lotion, 11 multi-packs of razors, 10 pillows, nine twin sheet sets, and nine pillowcase sets.

Dvorak Law Group donates to the Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition.

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